QRadar qradar training

What is QRadar & Its Architecture

What is QRadar? IBM QRadar is an enterprise security information and event management (SIEM) product. It collects log data from an enterprise, its network devices, host assets and os (Operation System), applications, vulnerabilities, and user activities and behaviours. IBM QRadar Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) helps security teams accurately detect and prioritize threats across the…

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Security Operation Center Functionality & Characteristics of OSI model

OSI Model-Functionality And Characteristics

Functionality and Characteristics of OSI Model Functions of each layer in the OSI model:   1) Physical Layer It specifies the transmission media between two connecting devices. In addition, it specifies the information rate(number of bits sent each second) within the defined media. It defines the topology of the network. The topology might be Bus,…

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OSI Model Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions & Answers What is OSI Model? OSI model interview questions that are asked frequently, you’ll get to know here. Now, let us start with What is OSI and then we will get to the best possible OSI model interview questions. OSI means Open System Interconnection. You can find…

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SQL what is sql injection & example

SQL Injection – Prevention & Mitigation

SQL Injection – Real-Life Attacks & Examples with Prevention & Mitigation SQL is just a Structured Query Language. It is just a language to work the database. It stores manipulate and retrieve data from the relational database. It’s the conventional language for Relational Database systems. It allows users to generate, drop and view databases, store…

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ARC SightCyber securitySecurity Operation CenterSIEM Training lATEST VERSION OF ARCSIGHT SIEM

Latest Version Of ArcSight SIEM – SIEM XPERT

The Latest Version Of ArcSight SIEM ArcSight ESM analyzes and correlates every occurrence across the firm like- every login, logoff, file access, and database query.  The task is to deliver accurate prioritization of security risks and compliance violations. ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager (ESM) (The latest version of Arcsight SIEM) provides a Big Data analytics approach…

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Phising attacksPhising email analysis Phishing Email Analysis

Phishing Email Analysis

Phishing Email Analysis    What is Phishing Email Analysis? Email is a must-have communication tool. We use it on a daily basis. Unfortunately, many attacks start with an email. Wouldn’t it be awesome if everyone was an email ninja? Don’t worry; by the end of this session, you should be pretty confident in your email…

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