ARC SightCyber securitySecurity Operation CenterSIEM Training lATEST VERSION OF ARCSIGHT SIEM

Latest Version Of ArcSight SIEM – SIEM XPERT

The Latest Version Of ArcSight SIEM ArcSight ESM analyzes and correlates every occurrence across the firm like- every login, logoff, file access, and database query.  The task is to deliver accurate prioritization of security risks and compliance violations. ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager (ESM) (The latest version of Arcsight SIEM) provides a Big Data analytics approach…

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Phising attacksPhising email analysis Phishing Email Analysis

Phishing Email Analysis

Phishing Email Analysis    What is Phishing Email Analysis? Email is a must-have communication tool. We use it on a daily basis. Unfortunately, many attacks start with an email. Wouldn’t it be awesome if everyone was an email ninja? Don’t worry; by the end of this session, you should be pretty confident in your email…

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Cyber kill chainCyber security Cyber kill chain

What is the Cyber kill chain ?

Cyber kill chain   What is the cyber kill chain?   The cyber kill chain is based on the military’s kill chain, which is a step-by-step process for detecting and stopping enemy activity. The cyber kill chain, first developed by Lockheed Martin, outlines the various stages of several common cyberattacks and, as a result, the…

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MITRE Attack What is mitre attck

What is Mitre ATT&CK?

 What is Mitre ATT&CK? MITRE ATT&CK is an acronym that stands for MITRE Adversary Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge. The MITRE ATT&CK framework is a curated knowledge base and model for cyber adversary behaviour that reflects the various stages of an adversary’s attack lifecycle as well as the platforms that they are known to target.…

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Security Operation CenterSIEM Training SIEM architecture

SIEM Architecture

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Architecture SIEM stands for Security Information and Event Management, and it is made up of many monitoring and analytic components. SIEM is becoming a common security technique as a result of the recent increase in cyber threats, as well as the tighter security requirements that enterprises are forced to…

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